It’s crunch time in our fight to win asylum for U.S. Iraq War resisters. Everything we’ve been working for for the past six years is now coming to a head.
On May 25, Bill C-440 – which calls on the government to stop deporting U.S. war resisters and to allow them to become permanent residents of Canada – will begin second reading in the House of Commons. We are working doggedly to ensure that C-440 is passed.During that time, we expect decisions on several war resisters’ cases. The Harper Government continues to target war resisters, so we are preparing for the possibility of having to organize emergency mobilizations this summer in the event of any deportation orders.
The War Resister Support Campaign needs funds to continue fighting the Canadian federal government which has unlimited resources.
A victory for US War Resisters in Canada will be a major victory for peace and justice.If the GI resisters can find refuge in Canada, the soldiers will have an outlet other than jail. The current situation for War Resisters in Canada is tenuous. We need to find a solution that doesn't come with imminent jail time. These men and women have made a huge decision to not participate in the occupations any longer.
Many of us oppose the ongoing wars; we know what is happening and have expressed our opposition. That's a good thing, but we need to do more. We need to help the soldiers who choose to refuse. We need to support their families. If we aren't assisting soldiers or their families directly for one reason or another, we can help the people who are.
For the soldiers who choose to resist the war by going to Canada, War Resisters Support Campaign is the Canadian group of dedicated supporters who work tirelessly to assist these men and women and their families in their effort to follow their conscience.
The Campaign comes to Buffalo
Buffalo Veterans For Peace has invited members of the Campaign to come to Buffalo to meet you, share the stories of our GI resisters in Canada and their struggle ahead.
The event will be featuring:
-noted blogger and American expatriate, Laura Kamminker
-Michele Robidoux of the Toronto based War Resisters Support Campaign
-Vietnam-era Draft Resister Charlie Diamond
-and Progressive Film maker, Alex Lisman, who will be showing his new film, "War Resisters Speak Out!"
Friday, June 4, 2010
7:00pm - 10:00pm
HallWalls Contermporary Arts Center
341 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY
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