SOAW vigil, 2009
Engage in Nonviolent Direct Action to Close the SOA/WHINSEC
Para información en español ver abajo clíc aquí
Para información en español ver abajo clíc aquí
November 19-21
Vigil to Shut Down the SOA
Gather at the gates of Ft. Benning in nonviolent resistance to let our voices be heard.

This year there will be different ways for people to be involved in the Saturday action including crossing the line of the base of Fort Benning which risks federal arrest, or a city side action, outside the permitted area. But note that you may also participate without risking arrest. SOA Watch has permits for the activities in front of the base, and the acts of civil disobedience for those risking arrest will be clearly marked.
This year some in our community are inviting interested individuals and groups to join in an action of civil disobedience in Columbus, Georgia on Saturday. This will be an action on city property, not the base, and carries different legal risks.
Individuals who participate in the action could expect after arrest to:

Join human rights activists from religious communities, unions, student groups, among others, in non-violent direct action. We look to the thousands before us, who have participated in civil disobedience by "putting their bodies on the line" leading to 297 different people serving time in federal prison leading to almost 100 collective years. These Prisoners of Conscience are part of the inspiration and strength of the movement. Click here for more information on last years Prisoner of Conscience.

Father Roy Bourgeois:
a) be in jail until they are bonded out and to have to appear in court, and bond money may be applied to possible fine. The jail schedule lists $1000 bond for misdemeanors and city offenses for out-of-staters and $300-500 for in-staters;Folks that are interested should:
b) stay in jail longer without paying a bond and appear in court and possibly pay a fine.
-Form an affinity group-Get in touch with Charity Ryerson from the Direct Action Working Group at a nonviolence training on Friday, November 19th in the morning or afternoon. If you are not able to attend either time periods please contact for things to do prior to coming to vigil.-Attend the Direct Action preparation meeting on Friday night 7:30-9:30pm, Convention Center 207; or Saturday after the plenary at 10:45am-Attend the Saturday Morning Plenary 9-10:30 at Convention Center-For last minute nonviolence training please meet on Saturday, November 20th, at 1:30pm near the Food Not Bombs tent on Ft. Benning road.-For Legal advice please consult Alison at or Nikki at willing to risk federal arrest by crossing the line onto the base of Fort Benning, please contact Judith Kelly at People cross the line of the base in order to get closer to the School of Americas, the place where many abuses throughout Latin America begin.

SOAW vigil, 2009

Brian DeRouen and Meagan Doty arrested in 2004,
prisoners of Conscience crossing the line to the base in 2004
Father Roy Bourgeois:
"While these brave peacemakers have been incarcerated and sentenced to probation for their courageous acts, those responsible for the use of the torture manuals at the SOA and for training human rights abusers have never seen a jail cell from the inside. We are here to change that."
Due to our presence at the gates of Fort Benning every year, SOA Watch has become known as one of the largest, grassroots movements in the U.S. We gather in the diverse traditions of nonviolence of those who walk before us. It is one of our strongest strategies of defiance to U.S. militarism that is increasing throughout the Americas. This direct action is also what keeps pressure on the Department of Defense and Congress to SHUT DOWN THE SOA/WHINSEC.
See you at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia!
SOA Watch
SOAW vigil, 2009
-thanks to SOAW