(click on each one to read the details)
Resolution 2011-3 - Abolition Of Corporate Personhood
Resolution 2011-4 - Abolishment Of Nuclear Power Plants
Resolution 2011-5 - Resolution On The Abolition Of Nuclear Weapons By The Year 2020
Resolution 2011-7 - Impeachment Of President Barack H. Obama For War Crimes
Resolution 2011-8 - U.S. Dumping Of Toxic Chemicals In South Korea
Resolution 2011-11 - Supporting Red Por La Laz Y La Justica (Network For Peace And Justice) In Mexico
Resolution 2011-12 - Depleted Uranium Suppressed Study
Resolution 2011-14 - Support Of Palestinian Rights Under International Law
Resolution 2011-15 - Clinical Research On The Consequences Of Inhaling Depleted Uranium Dust